The Systems that Make Us: Integrating Art into Science
Science lessons were presented to the students over the course of two months, during which we implemented varying methods of Arts-Integration into Mrs. Auzout’s lesson plan. Through teaching highly complex bodies work at a first-grade level. They were then able to recall the previous body parts that help the brain function and called upon the various creative and social emotional skills they learned along the way through Arts-Integration!
Arts-Integration in Action: Debunking the Myth of “Those Who Can’t Do, Teach.”
There's a colloquialized pessimism that shrouds artists, musicians and performers “who are not working out in the big city”. They say if you can't do it, then teach. Well, I argue that it's those who can, teach- and do so with a high level of skill and passion.
More than Meets the Eye: Art Observation in Arts-Integration
When I was a classroom teacher, I saw some of my kindergarten students who were typically wary of class discussions come to life when we discussed a painting by Diego Rivera. Discussing art with students in Arts-Integrated lessons bridges the community of artists throughout the world with the work students do in the classroom.
Prioritizing the Purpose: Creating Engaging and Enriching Arts-Integration Lessons
I have found that when there is intention embedded in the way I design my activities, and I am open to accepting that intention does not equal impact, it opens the door for authentic, powerful and completely unpredictable student expression. When I perceive that an activity isn’t working for a student the way I expected, I have found that asking myself, “what is the purpose of this activity?” is a great way to re-calibrate.
Question Everything: Arts-Integration in Social Studies and Theater
5th grade is learning about the Middle Ages. At first thought, you might think, “What fun! Knights, and castles, and dragons, Oh, my!”, but what’s really happening is as unexpected as it is welcome. What’s happening in these 5th Graders doesn’t usually occur until college. These 10 year-olds are questioning. Everything.
Breathing Life into Art: Arts-Integration Across Different Subjects (History, English, Physics)
In these classes, I collaboratively implemented Arts-Integration into African American History, Physics, and English. Through this process, I learned so much. As a self-proclaimed “forever student”, Arts-Integration was a wonderful educational refresh for me!
Checking for Understanding: Incorporating Arts-Integration into a Learning Space
When conducting Arts-Integration projects in the classroom, it is important to check for understanding along the way. One of the best ways to do this is to flip the classroom on its head: the students become the teacher.
The Creative Advantage: How Arts Education Prepares Students for a Competitive Business World
Discover how KID smART's innovative approach to arts education empowers students with the creativity and problem-solving skills they need to become the dynamic business leaders of the future
Elise Talks at the Orleans Parish School Board Meeting
Are you curious about how the arts can shape a brighter future for our students? We invite you to watch the video of Elise's recent presentation to the Orleans Parish School Board.
BEST FEST 2023: A Back-to-School Celebration of the Arts
Over 200 of you came out to create and celebrate the arts at BEST FEST!
How to use the arts to build community in your classroom
Building Community within a learning environment is an invaluable experience that will engage, surprise, and inspire participants. Utilizing drama/theatre strategies (pantomime and improvisation) to facilitate Building Community are an excellent catalyst for demonstrating collaboration, effective communication, and joyful learning.
Arts Integration and Translanguaging
Translanguaging is defined as a fluidity of language – being able to toggle between languages at the same time.
KID smART's Fifth Arts Literacy Institute: Once Upon A Planet
At KID smART's Arts Literacy Institute, thirty-five educators from across New Orleans gathered for a transformative experience, discovering how arts integration can revolutionize literacy learning in their classrooms.
Cultivating Literacy from the Roots: KID smART's Homegrown Institute Nurtures Confident Readers
Discover how KID smART's Homegrown Institute is nurturing joyful learners and empowering educators to ensure every child reads with confidence by 4th grade.
KID smART's Partnership with Saint's Wide Receiver Kirk Merritt
KID smART is proud to join hands with Kirk Merritt, the talented Wide Receiver of the New Orleans Saints, in a transformative collaboration that merges the arts with sports
A Decade of Inspiration and Collaboration at Harvard’s Project Zero Classroom (PZC)
Delve into a decade of transformative experiences at Project Zero Classroom (PZC), where Elise, our Executive Director, shares her inspiring journey of guiding and collaborating with educators.
ReNEWing with Art
See how students at ReNEW “renewed” an old discarded bench into a show-stopping artpiece
Rhythms in CoTeaching: Storytelling, Line, and Reflection
How collaborative storytelling can create something even better together