The Systems that Make Us: Integrating Art into Science

Science lessons were presented to the students over the course of two months, during which we implemented varying methods of Arts-Integration into Mrs. Auzout’s lesson plan. Through teaching highly complex bodies work at a first-grade level. They were then able to recall the previous body parts that help the brain function and called upon the various creative and social emotional skills they learned along the way through Arts-Integration!

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Creative Schools, Arts Integration 101 Kitty O'Connor Creative Schools, Arts Integration 101 Kitty O'Connor

Prioritizing the Purpose: Creating Engaging and Enriching Arts-Integration Lessons

I have found that when there is intention embedded in the way I design my activities, and I am open to accepting that intention does not equal impact, it opens the door for authentic, powerful and completely unpredictable student expression. When I perceive that an activity isn’t working for a student the way I expected, I have found that asking myself, “what is the purpose of this activity?” is a great way to re-calibrate.

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