KID smART's Fifth Arts Literacy Institute: Once Upon A Planet


At KID smART's Arts Literacy Institute, thirty-five educators from across New Orleans gathered for a transformative experience, discovering how arts integration can revolutionize literacy learning in their classrooms. Over three days, educators learned how theater, visual arts, and creative writing improves student outcomes. Leading the way were the remarkable facilitators who brought their expertise to the forefront:

  1. Samantha King: KID smART Arts Integration Specialist who weaves magic into the classroom through the seamless fusion of arts and literacy. Her unique approach sparks curiosity and ignites a lifelong love for learning.

  2. Zeb Hollins III: KID smART Arts Integration Specialist focusing on theater methodologies to unite students. Zeb's transformative practices empower students to make quick decisions and trust themselves.

  3. Kyley Pulphus: The visionary founder of We Scribblin’, whose passion for storytelling and the written word knows no bounds. With Kyley's guidance, educators discovered the power of writing to transport students to new realms of possibility.

  4. Kurt Wootton: The co-founder of the ArtsLiteracy Project at Brown University and the mastermind behind Habla, a lab school and international education center in Mérida, México. Kurt's expertise in integrating language learning with the arts opened new avenues for educators to nurture cultural understanding.

  5. Marimar Patron: A co-founder of Habla, Marimar's dedication to fusing language and culture in a community-based setting is unparalleled. Her insights and experiences offered educators a unique perspective on enriching the classroom through a global lens.

For the first time, KID smART presented the Arts Literacy Institute bilingually, making the workshops accessible to educators in both English and Spanish. The chosen text, "The Last Cuentista" by Donna Barba Higuera, blends science fiction with Mexican folklore. This initiative aimed to break down language barriers and ensure that a diverse range of educators could benefit from the institute's transformative experience. Many thanks to Marimar for making this possible!


The foundation of KID smART's Arts Literacy Institute is the use of a proven framework called The Performance Cycle. Developed at Brown University, The Performance Cycle seamlessly merges arts and literacy practices across all disciplines. By leveraging this robust methodology, educators gained the necessary expertise to create impactful learning experiences for their students.

The mornings at the Arts Literacy Institute began with dynamic Community Building Seminars. The foundation of The Performance Cycle, these sessions fostered connections among educators, building trust and cultivating a sense of inclusivity. Creating a supportive environment empowered participants to explore new teaching techniques and engage in open dialogue. One participant remarked,

What I love about KID smART is that they cultivate safe spaces to be yourself.

The impact of the Arts Literacy Institute reverberated among the participants, leaving them inspired and equipped to transform their classrooms. One educator enthusiastically remarked, "I love how these exercises cultivate an environment where you don't need to be embarrassed about not knowing something. Better yet, it’s fun!" Another teacher highlighted the institute's focus on comprehension, stating,

This technique invests in the future of the lesson by checking comprehension early on.

These testimonials exemplify the profound impact of the institute, moving beyond traditional literacy practices to embrace the full spectrum of communication and expression.

The institute's focus on diverse cultural narratives, empathy, and creativity through the power of arts integration gave educators the tools to bring magic back to their own classrooms. We can’t wait till next year’s institute! If you want to be notified of future KID smART workshops, sign up for our newsletter here.


Arts Integration and Translanguaging


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