Alphabet & Abstract Line Art

ReNEW Schools: Laurel-  Elementary CBI Classroom  | Multidisciplinary Art
Ms. Mia w/ Jayde Davis & Amazing students & support staff


Students in Ms. Davis’ Elementary CBI classroom have been working hard to understand the letters of the alphabet so we used the art element of LINE to get into it!   In the art world, LINE is defined as the mark made by a moving point.  Over 3 classes, students looked at many different examples of line and were able to create lines in the air using their fingers and we made collaborative lines in the room using our bodies.  We then examined the letters of our alphabet to see what lines were used to create these symbols.  Those same lines were used to create our own ABSTRACT art.  After creating 2D art, we moved into the same process using 3D materials and were able to make SCULPTURES with our letter lines.  Check out the pictures to see how our students used LINES to learn about the alphabet and create ABSTRACT art!


Building Up the House: Sculptural Social Studies!


Hakuna Matata