What is successful art?

Robert Moton Charter School, Kindergarten
ELA & Visual Art
Mr. Jasper


A question that has been on my mind lately is; What defines success in art and how does one continue encouraging that success? There are many ways an artist can feel accomplished, successful, or inspired. Whether you’re 8 or 80, art is a form of self expression and a way to communicate with the world in unique and creative ways.


During my introduction lesson at Moton, I began by asking students the very simple yet complex question of what is art? Many responded with “Art is drawing” or “Art is painting”. I reminded them that art is not just a painting or a thing, but that art can be “a way”. In particular a way to communicate our likes, our dislikes, and a way to better understand each other. 

I reminded them that art is not just a painting or a thing, but that art can be “a way.

I shared with them a self-portrait I did of myself drawing and explained to them that drawing is something I like to do. Then we all drew our own illustrations of things we enjoy.  As prompted, the students began with drawing themselves, although what happened next was somewhat of a pleasant surprise to me. The students began adding illustrations of things they liked, but rather than things they liked to do (i.e., sports, food, games), they added drawings of their parents, friends, cousins, aunts, and uncles. Several of the students added rainbows, pets, and sunshine to their drawings. I could feel the joy resonating from within the walls of the classroom.

This. This is successful art, I thought to myself. 


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