Directions with Clarity
McDonough 42, Kindergarten
ELA & Visual Arts
LaVonna Varnado Brown
Mrs. Bridges’ Kindergarten class is focusing on developing both writing skills and 4 types of lines: horizontal, vertical, slant, and wavy. During this lesson, I introduced studio norms and integrated artistic language regarding 4 types of lines. The project's intention was to have the students exercise their ability to use the lines they learn about to illustrate a name tent to display on their desks in class. I learned so much from working with my students on this project.
“Seeing so many variables in the outcomes showed me where I had opportunity for growth in delivering clear and concise directive. I was able to raise my awareness about how to better give directions through visual examples. ”
The most enlightening moment happened after I had gotten home reviewing the students' work. Seeing so many variables in the outcomes showed me where I had opportunity for growth in delivering clear and concise directive. I was able to raise my awareness about how to better give directions through visual examples. Give examples multiple times in as many ways as possible. Do not cater to grade level or age but clarity for any one.