Writing Fables

Langston Hughes Academy

1st Grade, ELA & Theatre

Ms. King /Ms. Garland

Ms. Garland’s students are learning about fables and story structure. Fables have a moral or a lesson at the end. We decided that at the ripe old age of 6, a lot of us have learned lessons that we can pass down to the next generation. We are taking lessons from our own lives and writing fables!

In order to understand story structure, we worked backwards. First, we came up with our morals or lessons, and then figured out what action caused that consequence, and what action caused THAT consequence, and what started it all in the first place.

We then split the stage and actors into three sections: Beginning, Middle, and End. We acted out our fables going forward.

Some of our morals are: Don’t take your brother’s iPhone, Don’t run with milk, and Never give your unicorn hot sauce.

In this video, the moral of the story is: Never use a knife to open a locked door!

Once we’ve rehearsed our fables, we will make an illustrated collection of our fables so that our little siblings and cousins will be well prepared for life


Landscape Prints


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