What's in a Name? (Creating our own country Part 2)

International School of Louisiana, Uptown, 4th Grade | Social Studies & Theatre

Ms. King


We have broken up with Britain, and now we have the opportunity to create a brand new country.

What makes a home safe and sound? What do we need to put into place that will ensure that our citizens thrive? How will we be viewed by the rest of the world, and what is the legacy and example we want to establish for future generations?

We defined a motto as a statement that represents your values. As a class, we brainstormed adjectives that describe the world in which we want to live.  Then, we individually created a three adjective motto for our new country. 

Using the democratic process of voting, each student was able to campaign for their motto- giving a speech to explain their word choices. Then we voted for the motto that the majority of the class felt best described the values of our new nation.

Some of the top contenders were: 

Free, Just, Verdant 

Peaceful, Equal, Powerful

Fun, Kind, Kittenful

After this, we used the same process to name our country.

I am very proud to say that one of the classes is now LOVEANIA!


How The Arts Promote Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) In Students


Lots and Lots of Lines