Six Panel Composition

42, Kindergarten
ELA Visual Arts 

Mrs. Bridges Kindergarten class is studying understanding night and day. This session’s plan was to create a 6-panel composition where students would illustrate things they see in the day and night sky. The plan was to pass out supplies, fold, illustrate, and watercolor. As we began the process, I realized that the lesson needed to be slowed down.

It is my intention to honor the process of making as much as or even more than the final product.

I also see that it is important to give the students space to explore, in this case folding and demonstrating the understanding or directive. I was able to emphasize that the process is important, and I developed my skills in giving clear directions. I enjoyed this lesson because we all worked together even though it was difficult at some moments.  We ended the year with watercolor; it was nice to have them revisit an unfinished project later.


Upcoming Workshops: Using Arts Integration to Increase Literacy Rates


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