Learning about different genres of storytelling

Moton Charter School

3rd Grade

Ms Chambliss

In Ms Chambliss’ 3rd grade class, students are learning about different genres of storytelling in both reading and film. Students decided for their first 1-minute film to create a horror movie. As a class, we discussed all the elements that go into making a scary movie. We built out a script by brainstorming together. After learning how to use a camera, sound equipment, and lighting, students practiced composing shots that would help to tell their story. In this case, the class set up a large green screen and decided it would be more scary if the “monster lady” ran behind the two girls who are skipping through the woods. They adjusted the shot, rehearsed the brief scene, and then filmed it until they felt they had the right shot.

Once students have filmed the footage they need, they can begin the editing process. Here, students have utilized a green screen mapping program to assemble a rough edit of the scene where the two friends discover that there is a “monster lady” in the woods with them. What will happen next?!


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