Making Connections: Food Webs & Abstract Art Prints!

Over the span of several weeks, students in Mr. Robertson’s arts-integrated science class made plenty of connections as they explored food webs! Throughout the year, their goal was to identify art in the world around them to further deepen their understanding of the world itself. To achieve this, students examined the lines that exist in food webs, which connect creatures like apex predators to composting mycelium. They then compared these lines to the abstract art of Piet Mondrian and Joan Miro, looking for similarities and differences.  

Students used their knowledge of lines as an element of art to create dynamic and original food webs. Using yarn and glue, they traced the lines of their webs to provide a raised surface for rolling paint onto. Each student then created a print derived from the unique lines of their food web. Inspired by their studies of Piet Mondrian and Joan Miro, students then added color to their prints. Despite each food web following the same scientific order, each print turned out completely unique! 

This immersive, interdisciplinary project not only solidified scientific concepts but also fostered creative expression and critical thinking! Arts-integrated lessons like this one help students better understand and retain information, making learning both engaging and meaningful.


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