The Editor and the Artist!

Hynes Lakeview, 8th Grade
Social Studies + Comic Book Arts
Teacher Eren


Mrs. Mossing’s 8th grade social studies class has been writing comic books about the Battle of New Orleans. While the comics they are producing are extraordinary, the most exciting part about my time with the students is the editorial process. Professional comic book artists always work with editors in order to double-check their work. Since the beginning of the semester, the students have broken off into pairs.


Each student takes turns being the ‘artist’ and the ‘editor. When taking their turn as editor, the student’s job is to act as a supportive mirror, offering constructive criticism. What part of this comic is most successful? What part of this comic should change before it becomes permanent? As editors, we practice uplifting each other and guiding the comic to be its best. As artists, we offer our work in the spirit of vulnerability. We know the artwork is not final, and hope for the feedback we need in order to grow.

The skill of being analytical, but in a positive and helpful manner, is the greatest piece of knowledge can offer to students.

As we practice this skill more and more, the students begin to trust each other, as well as themselves.


I can’t wait to see how these editorial relationships transform by the end of the year! Overhearing these editorial conversations is one of the most uplifting experiences I’ve had so far in my Kid smART teaching residency. 


Lines, Lines, Lines: from Improvisation to Topography


Improvisational Line Drawings