Discover Landmarks

Hynes UNO Charter School

1st Grade - Social Studies & Visual Art

Ms. Brigid and Ms. Doussan

Ms. Doussan’s students just wrapped up a social studies unit on cities, neighborhoods, and landmarks. We went on observational walks to discover landmarks in our own neighborhood in Gentilly, and learned art vocabulary words like “horizon line,” “landscape painting,” and “printmaking.”

This multimedia landscape painting was a project that took many weeks to complete. Students began by drawing a horizon, trees, and plants using colorful oil pastel. They then spent two classes adding water color to their landscapes. Finally, they created styrofoam prints of buildings or other landmarks that they observed in their own neighborhood, or in the neighborhood by Hynes. Using a brayer and some washable ink, students added the landmarks to their landscape paintings.

With help from the students, Ms. Brigid and Ms. Doussan created a gallery wall displaying our paintings outside of the classroom. I am so proud of how hard Ms. Doussan’s class worked to complete this project. Each step turned out beautifully and reflects their creativity and perseverance!


Krewe of YOU


Landform Illustration Books