Arts Integrated PE

Hynes Lakeview, 2nd Grade| Physical Education | Theater and Visual Arts

Teacher Eren


Miss Tayla’s Physical Education class is one of the  most exciting parts of my week. It felt like a challenge at first to think about how to integrate Visual Arts and Theater  into Physical Education, but from our very first day together this class has created an incredible and unique space where we approach creativity with every muscle in our bodies.


This week, we practiced extending our arms with sticks of bamboo with markers attached to their ends. This is a professional practice used to help artists draw things that are far away, or very big. During the last years of his life, Henry Matisse used this technique to illustrate his paintings. This practice also helps you realize that drawing from your shoulder (instead of your wrist or your elbow) can give you a much different variety of lines.  It can also be quite challenging, and make your muscles sore! Even drawing builds muscles!


This class is delightful, experimental, and our goals are to explore artmaking and creativity without trying to create the “right” type of art. Instead, we are just moving our bodies! We have been extremely successful, joyful, and I can’t wait for our next class.


The Potential of Plants


The Art of Asking Liberating Questions