26 Years of Education Through Imagination
At KID smART we’re on a mission to engage children and educators in dynamic, creative, and relevant learning through the arts!
Students with access to arts education are 5x less likely to drop out of school
Access to arts education has a deep impact on nearly every aspect of a student’s educational experience and professional future. KID smART exists to ensure an arts-rich education is non-negotiable for every child.
Our Programs
Creative Schools
Our flagship program utilizes arts integration based instruction to supports the growth and achievement of K-8 students—particularly those at risk of academic failure.
Professional Development
Available both virtually and in-person, our P.D.s are offered in a variety of art forms and support all areas of curriculum
Arts Literacy
Learn strategies that link literacy and the arts to create engaging classrooms and support student learning and outcomes
With Feeling Curriculum
With Feeling is a FREE arts integrated Emotional Literacy Curriculum through which students can learn to deal with emotions in ways that increase their personal power and enhance safety, health and happiness for them and those around them.
The Joy Journal
Dedicated to providing educational resources, event happenings, and latest updates
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